Policy Positions


The Biden Administration is solely responsible for the current unprecedented inflation we are enduring. The cost of living has risen by over 20% during the Biden Administration while working class and middle class wages have not kept up. Biden's failed policies have put the average family under immense pressure with no relief nor any vision forward. If elected to Congress, my first duty would be to tackle the rise of inflation. The high costs for our bare necessities such as rent, food, gas, healthcare, and all other monthly bills in general are out of control along with interest rates that prevent so many young people from buying their first home. We need to expand the child tax credit to help families, while at the same time addressing the soaring costs of childcare that make starting families prohibitively difficult. we need to put a cap on student loan interest and address the runaway costs of higher education so that future generations can benefit from universities, trade schools, and vocational training.

Southern Border

Day after Day we in District 8 can see the first hand effects of an immigration policy that simply does not make sense. Now more than ever undocumented individuals are crossing our southern border with false claims of asylum in order to take advantage of our immigration policies. We need to protect our domestic workers by not allowing them to be undercut by an influx of unregulated labor. Also, we must recognize that our southern border is being crossed by individuals from belligerent nations who are not our allies which can most certainly open the door to domestic terrorism. Our nation's biggest cities are dealing with financial struggle, chaos, and crime due to the increase in housing migrants. National security is paramount and an open border leaves us vulnerable. As your Congressional Representative, I will help to fully secure our southern border and work to support the hiring of more immigration judges to process valid asylum claims while bolstering our security at the southern border to protect the people of the United States.

Foreign Policy

As Congressman, I will support Ukraine's efforts to fight off Putin's invasion, but at the same time recognize the need for oversight and auditing of any funds sent to a foreign nation. Furthermore, foreign aid must be contingent on adequate funding for our own protection domestically at the southern border and abroad through renewed commitments for higher NATO funding from our allies. The United States has always been a leader in the Global stage and we must continue to defend democracy throughout the world. We must be a leader so that potential aggressors such as China and Iran know unequivocally that the United States stands with our allies.

Middle East

I fully recognize Israel's right to exist and at the same time acknowledge the destruction and devastation that has been wrought on the innocent Palestinian people in the aftermath of the Hamas October 7th attacks. The Biden administration's weak and ineffectual response has directly led to conflict between our closest allies in the middle east while at the same time allowing for the deaths of countless Palestinian civilians. The United States must take a strong approach to ensure the removal of the Hamas regime and allow free and fair elections in Gaza. At the same time we must make it clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu that the violence in Gaza is unacceptable nor condoned by the United States and will only lead to further decades of conflict. We must partner with our allies in the Middle East to ensure the release of all Israeli hostages, that those who perpetrated the October 7th attacks are brought to justice, and to begin a peaceful transition away from the Hamas regime and a normalization of relations through free and fair elections in Gaza. I believe with the return of the hostages and prosecution of Hamas leadership a path to a permanent peace can be achieved with an internationally recognized two state solution.

Law and Order

The Biden Administration and his Justice department have fostered a culture of criminality and lawlessness that has touched every corner of our country. We see first hand here in Hudson county a rise of shootings, carjackings, and assaults, while across the river in New York City nearly every day news coverage highlights another violent crime. As Congressman I want to bring back the rule of law and prosecute those who target our residents. Violent criminals need to be jailed and prosecuted instead of immediately being released back onto our streets. How many more people need to suffer from a career criminal who was processed and let go, before enough is enough. We need to empower our justice system to protect those of us who are most vulnerable from those who wish them harm.